Cloud First Learning Management Systems

Jaakko Kantojärvi

A+ lead developer & DevOps

Expectations from modern LMSes

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  • online
  • exercises
  • feedback
  • peer

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  • personalisation
  • editors
  • plagiarism
  • analytics

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  • export
  • security
  • forgetting
  • connections

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  • extendable
  • existing stuff
  • customisation
  • authenticity

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  • MOOC
  • responsiveness
  • robustness
  • automatic grades

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  • production
  • shared stuff
  • course releases

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  • IT operations

Lot of challenges

So how do we can make a software to solve all of these needs?

  1. Platform to provide robustness and scale
  2. Software design to support scale and extensibility
  3. DevOps to course material production
  4. Tools and automation to support IT operations

Short history of platforms


Virtual machines:


Brief history..


Private cloud for teaching

CS Kubernetes

Provides MOOC-Grader and Jupyter Hub for CS

  1. Platform to provide robustness and scale
  2. Software design to support scale and extensibility
  3. DevOps to course material production
  4. Tools and automation to support IT operations

It was easy..

What if there is 10k users, 100k or 1M?


Scalability from microservices

Distribute development


  1. Platform to provide robustness and scale
  2. Software design to support scale and extensibility
  3. DevOps to course material production
  4. Tools and automation to support IT operations


Digitalisation in teaching

DevOps for teaching


  1. Platform to provide robustness and scale
  2. Software design to support scale and extensibility
  3. DevOps to course material production
  4. Tools and automation to support IT operations

Industry tools

Separation of roles

Vision for the future

Teacher has time to provide best of the world learning experience, as the tools are so awesome!

Teacher has analytics and feedback to make it event better!

IT operators can maintain 99.9% service level!

Students are happy as they can read to exams..

We do not implement same features over and over again...


To plan


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